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C Programming Examples

C Program to Shutdown System (Windows and Linux)

In this C programming example, a simple C program is displayed that shuts down a PC by calling internal OS features. This type of functionality can be helpful where sometimes you have to shut down or restart the PC due to some requirement, like after updating the system driver.


HTML Document Type Declaration

HTML Doctype Declaration is a directive that tells the web browser about the HTML version and standard in which the current page is written; this helps different web browsers parse the web page correctly. This tutorial presents descriptive info about HTML Doctype.

Web Development

Backend Web Development Tools

There are various tools for web app development. But the entire data processing and storage is done serverside by the backend tools. Web development professionals worldwide use these tools for data storage and manipulation in their projects. Let us now know about some of these essential tools.

Computer Fundamentals

What Is Bluetooth?

In simple terms, Bluetooth means a wireless technology invented by dutch engineer Jaap Haartsen in 1994. This technology allowed us to use electronic devices with complete freedom, which was impossible to use unhandy cables connecting to our devices.

Computer Fundamentals

Components of Computer

The Computer Components are the necessary hardware units required to build a complete computing machine. Every computer must have these essential components to build a fully functional computing machine. This article explains the basic components of a computer in detail.

Computer Fundamentals

Types of Computer Software

A Computer Software is a set of data, programs, directives, and attestation that perform various predetermined tasks on a computer system. This article explains in detail what computer software is and its types.


HTML5 Syntax

HTML 5 is the latest version of HTML that comes with syntax compatible with HTML 4 and XHTML. HTML 5 has many flexible features, but it does not follow syntax rules similar to XHTML. Using syntax in HTML 5 is easy, and in this tutorial, we will learn about various HTML 5 syntaxes.

Web Hosting

Types of Web Hosting

When someone looks for hosting providers to host their website, they may get various hosting plans. A hosting user should be clear about what type of hosting requirement will be most appropriate for him. In this tutorial, you will learn about various types of web hosting and their importance.

Web Hosting

Introduction to Web Hosting

Web hosting is a process and service through which web application or website files are stored in a Web server to publish to the Internet via World Wide Web. These files are primarily hosted to be publicly available around the world at any time.


JSP - JSTL Core <c:catch> Tag

<c:catch> JSTL tag is used in handling unusual situations that cause errors. It is implemented to catch any throwable exception that occurs in the program body during run time.


PHP Composer

Programmers who are in the constant implementation of PHP and its various scripts in their projects know how tedious it becomes to repeat the same process to perform important tasks...


JSP - JSTL Core <c:remove> Tag

<C:remove> tag removes a particular variable from a given scope, and if a scope is not already mentioned, then it looks for it in the (page, request, session, and application) and removes it if found there.


HTTP Request Methods

HTTP request methods are important components responsible for supplying the request and specifying the client-requested operation. In this lesson, you will learn about various HTTP methods and how they are used.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 - Modal

Often developers need to embed a dialog box to pop additional content into a webpage. This feature is provided by Bootstrap 4 through a modal. In this tutorial, you will learn about Modal and the various ways of its implementation.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 - Popovers

Tooltip and Popover are two similar components provided by Bootstrap4. When you click on the HTML element, a popup box will appear, where you can see some additional information related to that element, called a popover.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 - Tooltips

Tooltip is a hint text that is a common GUI element used in website design. In this chapter, you will learn about the concepts of Tooltips and their implementation in Bootstrap 4.