The throw and throws are the two keywords used in exception handling. In this article, you will learn about how both of them are different from one another.

Difference Between throw and throws in Java

Throw Throws
This keyword is used for explicitly throwing an exception. This keyword is used for declaring any exception.
Programmers cannot disseminate checked exceptions using the throw keyword. Programmers can disseminate checked exceptions using throws keyword.
An instance trails the throw keyword. A class trails the throws keyword.
You have to use the throw keyword inside any method. You have to use the throws keyword with any sign of the method.
Many exceptions cannot be thrown. Many exceptions can be declared using the throws.
Code Snippet:
Class Example
public static void main(String argu[])
throw new ArithmeticException("Divided by zero");
Code Snippet:
public void testExc() throws SQLException , IOException

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