Java Programming Examples Tutorial Index

Java String Programs

This Java example code demonstrates a simple Java program to find the ASCII value of a character and print the output to the screen.


public class PrintAsciiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Define the character whose ASCII value is to be found 
        char ch = 'G';
        int ascii = ch; //Assign the character value to integer 
        //Print the output
        System.out.println("The ASCII value of character '" + ch + "' is: " + ascii); 
        //Casting (character to integer)
        int castAscii = (int) ch;

        //Print the output
        System.out.println("The ASCII value of character '" + ch + "' is: " + castAscii);

Program Output:

The ASCII value of 'G' is: 71
The ASCII value of 'G' is: 71

The above Java program shows two ways to print the ASCII value of a character:

  1. First, a character is defined using single quotes and assigned to an integer; In this way, Java automatically converts the character value to an ASCII value.
  2. Next, we cast the character ch variable to an integer using (int). Casting is the way of converting a variable type to another type.

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