JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight text-data interchange format used to store information in an organized manner for transmitting data between server and web application.
What is JSON?
The first thing to understand is that JSON is a lightweight text data exchange format rather than a programming language. Its syntax supports strings, values, booleans, nulls, as well as objects and arrays based on it.
Here are some facts about JSON:
- Douglas Crockford invented JSON format.
- JSON is a lightweight text-data interchange format.
- JSON is not a programming language.
- XML is an alternative to JSON. However, JSON objects have several advantages instead of XML.
- JSON media type is application/json and file extension is .json.
- JSON has extended from JavaScript scripting language.
JSON uses JavaScript syntax to describe data objects, but still, the JSON language is platform-independent. JSON parser and JSON libraries are available in many different programming languages.
Features of JSON
- JSON is Scalable. Because of language-independent, it works with most of the modern programming language.
- JSON is lightweight.
- JSON is easy to read and write.
- JSON is a text-based, human-readable data exchange format.
What you can Do With JSON
- JSON is mainly used to transmit data between servers and web applications.
- Currently, the NoSQL database is also using JSON for storing information.
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