Latest, Popular Tutorials


HTML Blockquote Tag

The HTML <blockquote> tag displays long quotes; This tag quotes a portion of text taken from other sources. It alters the alignment to create the content text look different from the rest.

Bootstrap 5 Examples

Bootstrap 5 Hide on Mobile

This example code contains Bootstrap 5 classes that hide HTML elements on mobile devices. The .d-none class hides the HTML element on all devices, and the .d-sm-block class shows the element on small devices and beyond.


HTML Editors

An HTML editor is computer software used to write and edit HTML code. This type of software helps manage the entire web development project by using different modes of document editing and functionality.


HTML Datalist Tag

HTML <datalist> tag provide pre-arranged options for an HTML input element that can be specified as needed. This tag allows the input element to be completed automatically by providing selective choices in a pre-defined list.


HTML Section Tag

Section tag specifies the section of an HTML document. The HTML <section> tag separates the source content into sections or subsections. So users can use this <section> tag when conditions for two headers or footers or any other section of documents are needed.


HTML Header Tag

HTML <header> Tag is one of the latest sectioning tags in HTML5. Developers can use the tag to specify the header for the HTML document or the section as it holds the information linked to the heading of the respective content.


HTML Footer Tag

The HTML <footer> tag defines a footer section of an HTML document. Typically, this tag includes content, such as author information, copyright information, important page links, etc.


HTML Aside Tag

The HTML <aside> tag provides information about the source content. It is used to describe the primary object of the web page more concisely. In this tutorial, you will learn how HTML <aside> tag works.


HTML Article Tag

The HTML <article> tag describes the primary content in a web page. Generally, this tag includes content, such as blog posts, article posts, news, stories, etc.

C Programming Examples

C Program to Shutdown System (Windows and Linux)

In this C programming example, a simple C program is displayed that shuts down a PC by calling internal OS features. This type of functionality can be helpful where sometimes you have to shut down or restart the PC due to some requirement, like after updating the system driver.


HTML Document Type Declaration

HTML Doctype Declaration is a directive that tells the web browser about the HTML version and standard in which the current page is written; this helps different web browsers parse the web page correctly. This tutorial presents descriptive info about HTML Doctype.

Web Development

Backend Web Development Tools

There are various tools for web app development. But the entire data processing and storage is done serverside by the backend tools. Web development professionals worldwide use these tools for data storage and manipulation in their projects. Let us now know about some of these essential tools.