JavaScript Loops with forEach and map

JavaScript provides an alternative to traditional loops with advanced array methods like forEach and map. These methods offer more concise and functional ways to iterate over arrays, resulting in more efficient and readable code. This tutorial describes these methods in detail to help you understand how to use them effectively.

The forEach Method

The forEach method executes a given function once on each array element. It's a good choice for operating on each item of an array without returning a new array.


array.forEach(function(currentValue, index, arr) {
    // Function logic here
}, thisValue);
  • currentValue: The element that is currently being processed in the array.
  • index (optional): The index of currentValue in the array.
  • arr (optional): The array forEach was called upon.
  • thisValue (optional): A value to use as this when executing function.


Let's say you have an array of book objects, and you want to print out the title of each book:

const books = [
    "Clean Code",
    "Introduction to Algorithms",
    "Design Patterns"

books.forEach(function(book) {

The example above demonstrates how the forEach method can perform an action on each element of an array while iterating through it.

The map Method

The map method makes a new array by transforming each element of the original array separately. It is useful when changing an array and returning a new one.


let newArray =, index, arr) {
    // Transformation logic here
}, thisValue);
  • currentValue: The current element being processed in the array.
  • index (optional): The index of currentValue in the array.
  • arr (optional): The array map was called upon.
  • thisValue (optional): A value to use as this when executing function.


Suppose you have an array of Celsius temperatures and want to convert them to Fahrenheit.

const tempsCelsius = [0, 10, 20, 30];
const tempsFahrenheit = {
    return temp * 1.8 + 32;
console.log(tempsFahrenheit); // [32, 50, 68, 86]

The example above demonstrates how the map can transform array elements, returning a new array with the transformed values.

Differences Between forEach and map

  • Return Value: forEach does not return anything. It simply calls a provided function on each element in your array. In contrast, map returns a new array.
  • Chainability: Since map returns a new array, you can chain other array methods like .filter() or .reduce(). This is not possible with forEach.
  • Performance: While both are used to iterate over array elements, their use-case differs based on whether you need to return a new array (map) or perform an operation (forEach).


Understanding when and how to use forEach and map can significantly enhance the efficiency and readability of your JavaScript code. These methods represent a more declarative approach to iteration, often preferable in modern JavaScript development.

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