Loops are fundamental in JavaScript, enabling you to execute code repeatedly under set conditions. Understanding loops is crucial for efficient coding, especially when dealing with arrays or repetitive tasks. This tutorial covers the different types of loops in JavaScript and how to use them effectively.

Introduction to JavaScript Loops

JavaScript provides several loop types to perform repetitive tasks with fewer lines of code. They are helpful when you need to execute a task multiple times. Instead of writing redundant code, you can run the code multiple times with a loop.

Types of loops in JavaScript

The main types of loops in JavaScript are:

  • For Loop: Ideal for known iteration counts.
  • While Loop: Best for unknown iteration counts based on a condition.
  • Do...While Loop: Executes at least once, even if the condition is initially false.
  • For...In Loop: Perfect for iterating over object properties.
  • For...Of Loop: Useful for iterable objects like arrays and strings.

Each loop type serves a distinct purpose and is suitable for different situations. Knowing which one to use can significantly improve the readability and performance of your code.

The for Loop

The for loop is the most commonly used iterative statement. It's perfect when you know how many times you need to iterate.


for (initialization; condition; increment) {
    // Code to be executed


Here's an example of a for loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 9:

for (let i = 1; i < 10; i += 2) {

The while Loop

The while loop is ideal when you want the loop to run as long as a specific condition is true, but you don't know how many times you'll need to iterate.


while (condition) {
    // Code to be executed


Count down from 5 to 1:

let i = 5;
while (i > 0) {

The do...while Loop

The do...while loop is a type of loop similar to the while loop. The critical difference is that the do...while loop guarantees that the loop will run at least once.


do {
    // Code to be executed
} while (condition);


Display a list of numbers starting from 3, stopping before 6:

let i = 3;
do {
} while (i < 6);

The for...in Loop

The for...in loop is designed for iterating over the properties of an object.


for (key in object) {
    // Code to be executed


Iterate over and print object properties:

const book = {title: "1984", author: "George Orwell", year: 1949};
for (let key in book) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${book[key]}`);

The for...of Loop

The for...of loop is used to iterate over iterable objects like arrays, strings, maps, nodeLists, and more.


for (variable of iterable) {
    // Code to be executed


Iterate over and print characters in a string:

let greeting = "Hello";
for (let char of greeting) {

Loop Control Statements

break Statement

Use break to exit a loop before it has undergone all its iterations.

Use the break statement to exit a loop before it has undergone all its iterations.


Stop loop execution after reaching a midpoint in an array:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
for (let num of numbers) {
    if (num > 5) { break; }

continue Statement

If you want to move on to the next iteration without executing the remaining code in the current iteration, you can use the continue statement.


Skip even numbers in a loop:

for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    if (i % 2 === 0) { continue; }


Understanding and effectively utilizing JavaScript loops is essential for efficient and clean code. It's a good idea to practice working with different types of loops so that you can fully understand their benefits. With the knowledge you gain from this tutorial, you can use loops to make your code more efficient and effective.

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