Latest, Popular Tutorials

SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL Processing Capabilities

The SQL has been established as a language that can be used by both casual users as well as skilled programmers. It offers a wide range of processing capabilities, simpler ones which may be used by the beginners and the more composite by the expert class of users.

Cyber Security

Wireless Security

Like the system’s security and data security, keeping a sound knowledge about different wireless security measures is also important for security professionals. Wireless security revolves around the concept of securing the wireless network from malicious attempts and unauthorized access.

Cyber Security

Data Leak Prevention

Data leakage can be defined as the malicious practice of transmitting data in an unauthorized manner to an external agent, destination, or recipient with bad intention. Data leakage can be done by any internal organization's employee or any other person. Data leakage is also termed as "data theft - the slow and low approach," which creates a massive problem in the data security industry.

Cyber Security

Data Backup

In this chapter, you will learn about the different backup approaches.

  • Full Backup.
  • Incremental Backup.
  • Differential Backup.
  • Mirror Backup
C Sharp Programming

Jump Statements in C#

In this chapter, you will learn about C# jump statements. Transferring the control of execution from one point of the program to another is done using the jump statements.

C Sharp Programming

Loops in C# (Concept of Iteration)

Loop is a concept that is used in almost all Programming languages for executing a single statement or collection of statements several times, depending on the condition. In this chapter, you will know about the effective way or concept through which you can iterate multiple lines in a C# program.

C Sharp Programming

C# Data Types

Almost all programming language needs the concept of the data type. Since C# is a strongly typed language, it is essential to inform the compiler what kind of data these memory locations will hold. In this chapter, you will learn about the different data types that are supported by C#.

C Sharp Programming

Operators in C#

Operators are symbols in a programming language that tell the compiler or interpreter to perform specific operations on operands to produce the final output or result. You will learn about all the operators of C#.

C Sharp Programming

Access Modifiers In C#

Access modifiers are also known as access specifiers used to preserve the concept of encapsulation of data by specifically restricting the access of variable data using some particular keywords. These are used to specify a specific variable's accessibility or scope and functionality within a C# application.

C Sharp Programming

C# Keywords

C# is rich in features and keywords which help in making the language strong and versatile. Keywords are reserved words with special meaning that is known to the compiler. These keywords also have special significance and hence cannot be used as identifier name for variable-name, class-name or interface-name.

C Sharp Programming

C# Classes and Objects

C# Classes are user-defined blueprints or prototype that is used to define real-world entities through objects. They bind data and its associated functions or operations into a single unit.

  • What Are Classes in C#?
  • Declaring a Class in C#.
  • Objects in C#.
Cyber Security

Malware and Virus Protection

In this chapter, you will get to know about malware and computer viruses and different measures to maintain security and safety.

  • What Is Malware?
  • Types of Malware.
  • What Is a Virus?
  • How to Keep the Systems Safe From Malware and Viruses.