This tutorial guides you on using Fibers in PHP, a feature that significantly improves the way you handle asynchronous programming. It is a lightweight alternative to traditional threads and coroutines, making writing concurrent and parallel code easier.

What Are PHP Fibers?

Fibers are a new feature in PHP 8.1 that enables lightweight and controlled concurrency. Fibers in PHP make it easier to write asynchronous code without the complexity of callbacks or promises. They allow you to pause and resume tasks, enabling more efficient use of resources.

Unlike threads, which are managed by the operating system, fibers are managed by the PHP runtime. It means that fibers are more lightweight and have lower overhead than threads. Fibers can be considered "lightweight threads" that can be scheduled and executed by the PHP runtime.

How to Use Fibers

To use fibers in PHP 8.1, you must enable the Fiber extension in your PHP configuration file (php.ini). Once enabled, you can start using fibers in your code. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use fibers:

  1. Install PHP 8.1: Ensure you have PHP 8.1 or later installed on your system.
  2. Enable the Fiber Extension: Open your php.ini file and uncomment the line (or extension=fiber.dll on Windows) to enable the Fiber extension.
  3. Create a Fiber: To create a fiber, use the Fiber class constructor or the Fiber::new() static method.
  4. Switching Between Fibers: You can switch between fibers using the Fiber::yield() method or the Fiber::resume() method.
  5. Handling Exceptions: You can catch exceptions thrown by fibers using a try-catch block.

Basic Usage of Fibers

The following example shows fiber creation and task switching:

$fiber = new Fiber(function (): void {
    echo "Hello, ";
    echo "World!";

echo "Fiber ";


Hello, Fiber World!

Here, in the above example, Fiber::suspend() pauses the fiber, and resume() resumes from where it left off.

Real-world Examples

Here is an example of using Fibers to perform an asynchronous database query:


$connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "testdb");

if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$fiber = new Fiber(function ($query) use ($connection) {
    // Execute query
    $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
    // Suspend the fiber
    // Fetch result
    $data = [];
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $data[] = $row;
    return $data;

$query = "SELECT * FROM users";

// Here you can perform other tasks, non-blocking


// Fetch and output the query result
$result = $fiber->getReturn();

// Close the MySQL connection

Key Advantages of Using PHP Fibers

Fibers offer several benefits over other asynchronous programming techniques, such as threads and coroutines:

  • Low Overhead: Fibers are lightweight, ensuring optimal performance.
  • PHP Runtime Management: No need for external libraries or frameworks.
  • Cooperative Multitasking: Avoid locks or mutexes; fibers are fully cooperative.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate fibers into existing PHP codebases.


Fibers are a powerful new feature in PHP 8.1 that makes it easier to write asynchronous code. They are lightweight and efficient and can be used to improve the performance and scalability of your applications.

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