Types of Computer Software

Every day, in our daily lives, we come across diverse types of computer software. These help us with our particular work and thus grow our efficiency. When we switch on our PC, the MS Windows that receives the input from users, the games that we play on our computer, and the web browser we use to browse the Internet are some common examples of computer software. Globally, in this era of technology, we come across various software development trends that help us grow our business. All these applications are there to make our lives convenient. This article explains in detail what computer software is and its types.

What Is Computer Software?

A Computer Software is a set of data, programs, directives, and attestation that perform various predetermined tasks on a computer system. They empower users to interact with the computer system. Computer software usually interacts with the operating system to perform specific tasks. And the operating system itself is the leading computer software. Different high-level languages are used to write this type of software. These languages are flexible and more effective for programmers because they are closer to general languages than machine languages.

Types of Computer Software

Practically, we can categorize computer software in the following few broad sub-divisions on all computer platforms.

Computer software consists of two primary software types:
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software

1. System Software?

System software controls the computer's inner functioning, mainly through an Operating System. It also monetizes external devices such as monitors, printers, and storage devices. OS acts as the principal system software for every machine. We use System software to operate the computer itself. System Software executes in the backdrop, managing the computer's elementary functions with the aim that a user can manage to control higher-level applications to accomplish a particular task.

Examples related to System Software are as follows:

Operating System (OS)

The most well-known category of system software is the Operating system. Being a collection of software helps the users to manage their resources, providing comprehensive services for the separate applications that operate over them.

Examples of Operating systems are MS Windows, Android, iOS, Mac OS, CentOS, Linux, etc.

Device Drivers

The principal function of device drivers is to administer specific hardware connected to the system. Some hardware devices that involve drivers to tie up with any system include sound cards, displays, mice, and hard disks.

Some examples of Device Drivers are Display Drivers, ROM Drivers, Printer Drivers, BIOS Drivers, USB Drivers, Motherboard Drivers, VGA Drivers, etc.


It is that software type that is permanent in creation; inserted into Read-Only Memory (ROM). Firmware is a collection of instructions indelibly filed on a hardware device, providing a piece of essential information concerning how a device interacts with other hardware.

Some examples of Firmware are Consumer Applications, BIOS, Computer Peripherals, UEFI, etc.


Utility Software is that system software that helps users sustain the decent and stable functioning of a Computer System. It also aids the Operating System in managing, organizing, and maintaining the computer system's functionality. It executes duties such as; file backup, virus observation, deleting rejected data, installation and uninstallation, etc. Some examples are antivirus software, file management tools, compression tools, disk management tools, etc.

Examples of utility software are filing administration devices, disk management devices, software for antivirus, compression tools, etc.

Programming Language Translators

These type of translators helps users to address instructions in a distinct programming language, and the language translator converts them into a machine code. The computer system then examines the given instructions in machine code and executes them.

Examples related to Programming Language Translators are Compiler, Interpreter, and Assemblers.

2. Application Software?

Application software is different from system software for many reasons, also identified as end-user programs or productivity programs. It helps users accomplish their tasks such as research online, setting an alarm clock, graphics design, logging into an account, doing calculations, etc. All these functionalities prevail much above the system software.

The various categories of Application Software are:

Word Processors

The term word processor indicates that it processes words with paragraphs and pages. There are three types of Word processors: mechanical, software, and electronic. Further, along with these functionalities, it also helps save, format, and print documents. A few examples of word processors are Google Docs, MS Word, Apple iWork- Pages, etc.

Database Software

Users use this software to formulate and execute their databases. The term database software is also known as the Database Management System (DBMS). They also help users to organize their data. Examples are FoxPro, Clipper, etc.

Multimedia Software

Multimedia software can design or record images play audio and video files. Users use this software to edit videos and create graphics and animations. Some examples related to multimedia software are Picasa, CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, VLC Media Player, etc.

Education and Reference Software

This type of educational software facilitates the study of a specific section of a subject. Different types of guidance software come under this section. Some examples are KidPix, Delta Drawing, etc.

Web Browser

Web browsers help users to browse the Internet. They help find and retrieve data crosswise across the web. Examples of web browsers are Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.

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