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SDLC Iterative Model

The iterative software development model is an approach of segmenting any large software development process into smaller portions. This type of SDLC model does not target to establish a complete specification plan.


SDLC Prototype Model

The Prototyping Model is a methodology that is treated as a model for software development where a prototype - which is a premature approximated sample of the final product, is constructed and then tested.


SDLC Spiral Model

The spiral model is another important SDLC model that came into use when the iteration in product development came into the applied concept. Learn about the benefits of the spiral model and its various phases.


SDLC Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is a traditional SDLC model which will be discussed in this chapter. It is a straightforward and basic structure which can be easily understandable by software developers and testers. It is the first model of SDLC to be introduced for software development.

RESTful Web Services

Security in REST Architecture

It is too essential to preserve the security of a RESTful service like the way a website needs to be kept secure. In this tutorial, we will go through different paths and design principles to secure Restful Web Services.

RESTful Web Services

Richardson Maturity Model and REST Technologies

Richardson maturity model is a popular model used to rank your API based on the checks correlated to REST. The more your API fulfills the checks and constraints; the more RESTful your API is for development and deployment. This special model has four stages, which are called levels, and the levels range from 0 to 3.


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

SDLC is a popular practice that is followed by different organizations for designing and developing high-quality software applications.  It acts as a framework that holds some specific tasks to be achieved at every phase during the software development progression. This article will give you deep insight into the need for software development in various stages of SDLC.

C++ Programming

Templates in C++

The template is a concept that allows programmers to define standard classes and functions and thus provide support for general programming. This tutorial will teach you how to use templates within a C++ program.