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Team Building - The Employers

Success doesn't come so easily; neither for normal people nor for entrepreneurs. There are a lot of phases one has to cross in order to make a business successful or raise an enterprise to a better position. Team building or hiring the right employees is one of the most important factors for starting a successful startup or enterprise.

RESTful Web Services

RESTful Web Services

REST is the abbreviation of Representational State Transfer, a phrase coined in the year 2000 by Mr. Roy Fielding. It is a structural design approach for crafting loosely attached applications using HTTP, often implemented in the growth of web services.


Business Incubator

Incubators are most likely exists in helping a founder or a team of co-founders establish a road-map to determine whether their business concept is feasible and should set up in the long run for success. However, they are not a mandatory entity for entrepreneurs to use or seek help forum.