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Team Building - The Employers

Success doesn't come so easily; neither for normal people nor for entrepreneurs. There are a lot of phases one has to cross in order to make a business successful or raise an enterprise to a better position. Team building or hiring the right employees is one of the most important factors for starting a successful startup or enterprise.

RESTful Web Services

RESTful Web Services

REST is the abbreviation of Representational State Transfer, a phrase coined in the year 2000 by Mr. Roy Fielding. It is a structural design approach for crafting loosely attached applications using HTTP, often implemented in the growth of web services.


Business Incubator

Incubators are most likely exists in helping a founder or a team of co-founders establish a road-map to determine whether their business concept is feasible and should set up in the long run for success. However, they are not a mandatory entity for entrepreneurs to use or seek help forum.



Positioning is an essential process of launching your idea into the market. Before presenting your product idea to the market, there are few things to be considered, and positioning is one where you've set the stage with a specific graph.


Converting Ideas to Prototypes

In this chapter, you will learn about "What is the prototype design cycle and what needs to be considered? How long it usually takes to come up with a working prototype?".

  • What is a Prototype?
  • Advantages of Prototyping
  • Prototyping Components

What is the Entrepreneurial Process?

In this chapter, you will learn about the various processes followed by an entrepreneur.

  • Identification of Opportunity
  • Having a Clear Vision
  • Coax Others Towards Your Vision
  • Resource Gathering
  • Creating the Venture
  • Bring Adaptability with Time

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are such individuals who have the potential to grow and do innovative thinking and put them into action.

  • What Is Entrepreneurship?
  • Purpose and Roles of Entrepreneurs.
  • Prime Characteristics of an Entrepreneur.
  • Entrepreneurship Types.

Types of Network Protocols and Their Uses

In this chapter, you can find a detailed description of various useful protocols and their types. Also, you will learn about the most common types of protocols used by the network models while communicating one system with another.


Internet Reference Models

In the world of web and internet, the term "reference model" defined a standard means of communication architecture which is accepted worldwide. In this chapter, you will learn about the two popular internet reference models - OSI model and TCP/IP Reference Model.