There are five letters A, E, I, O, and U called vowels in English. Except for these five vowels, all other letters are called consonants.
This C example program removes vowels letters from a user-entered string. It checks the conditions in a user-defined function inside the loop and prints the output to the screen.
Example C Program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int vowel_check(char); /* Define function prototype. */
int main() {
/* Variable Declaration and Initialization. */
char inputs[100], output[100];
int i, d = 0;
/* taking user input */
printf("Enter some text:\n");
/* checking and removing the vowels letters */
for (i = 0; inputs[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (vowel_check(inputs[i]) == 0) {
/* not a vowel */
output[d] = inputs[i];
output[d] = '\0';
strcpy(inputs, output);
printf("The text after deleting Vowels letters: %s\n", inputs);
return 0;
/* Function Definition - User Defined Function */
int vowel_check(char l) {
if (l == 'a' || l == 'A' || l == 'e' || l == 'E' || l == 'i' || l == 'I' ||
l == 'o' || l == 'O' || l == 'u' || l == 'U')
return 1;
return 0;
Program Output:
Enter some text: The text after deleting Vowels letters: W3schls.n