In this C programming example, a C program is demonstrated that performs the task of finding and printing the average number of characters per line of text entered by the user.
Example C Program:
#include <stdio.h>
int line(void); /* Define function prototype. */
void main() {
/* Variable Declaration and Initialization. */
int n, c = 0, sum = 0;
float avg;
printf("Enter some text per line below:\n");
/* Reading the text by line and updating the cumulative counters. */
while ((n = line()) > 0) {
sum += n;
avg = (float) sum / c;
printf("\nAverage number of characters per line : %5.2f", avg);
/* Function Definition - User Defined Function */
int line(void)
/* Reading a line of text and counting the number of characters. */
char l[80];
int c = 0;
while ((l[c] = getchar()) != '\n')
return (c);
Program Output:
Enter some text per line below: Welcome to W3schools. Here you will have an excellent learning experience. Average number of characters per line : 36.50