Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

Both Compiler and Interpreter work to convert high-level language to machine understandable code and then back to high-level code, but there are some differences in their working.

Difference between Compiler and Interpreter are:

Compiler Interpreter
It considers the completion of your program as input for converting to machine code. It considers 1 statement in your program at a time as input for converting to machine code.
It usually generates intermediate code in the form of the object file (.obj). It doesn't create an intermediate object (.obj) code.
Faster execution of control statements as compared to the interpreter. Slower execution of control statements as compared to the compiler.
Detected errors in the program get displayed after the entire program is read by compiler. Detected errors in the program get displayed after each instruction read by the interpreter.
Example: C++, Java. Example. BASIC, Python, PHP.

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