Team Building - The Board Members

Building a team that will help you govern and stay with your decisions and guide you on this journey is another prime role for entrepreneurs. It is one of the most delightful stages of building a company because if you are doing it right, you are actually tracking the great players of the market, which will eventually lead them, and you change the world. Some entrepreneurs view it as a burden, while others view it as a challenge. It is a kind of micro-evangelism.

Good Tactics for Team Building

  1. Quality people: You have to look for people who share some qualities in your idea that could help in your planning journey. They should also come from different backgrounds and issues to point out so that things can be fixed and a prominent decision can be made.
  2. Shared attributes - Vision: Board members should have the same or similar vision to bring the company's tag from a 'startup' to an 'MNC'. Your company's board members or high officials will focus on how your product or idea will evolve in the market. In a word, the team should ensure a shared vision that leads to one conclusion in either way.
  3. Shared attributes - Size: In this case, you have to choose like-minded people. Some employees and board members want to work for large companies with thousands of employees in one city or office and all the features and facilities available. In comparison, there are employees with the mentality to work in small companies where everyone knows each other well kind of family. You have to choose the lead team member based on their mindset because these top-level employees will help your company grow.
  4. Timeline: Choose your team members wisely because there are lead members who want to grow a company and within 5 to 8 years make it public and sell it with profit. Another type of top-level employee wants to make the company last long and feel the company as their dream home. It is up to you as the founder and owner what type of people you want in your team based on your mentality regarding the enterprise's future.
  5. Commitment: Some people are committed to their duty and work, and they believe through this, they could earn respect and dreams and step towards success. For others, work and the job is just a way to make money or experience. So, as an entrepreneur, you have to filter them out and choose the most committed employees as your board members.

Other than that area where you like to be different are expertise, study background, culture and countries, orientation, work, etc. If your superior team is excellent in building a product and great at selling the stuff, you bang on the exact point. You can take the example of Steve Wozniak (developing things) and Steve Jobs (selling items).

The Other Points to Add on to Build Your Top-level Employees

The other dimension of building a great team is to focus on the below-mentioned entities:

  • Identification of positions between co-founders and other hired or joined members.
  • Identification of advisors, fundraisers, contracts, investors, partners, and full-time members.
  • The hiring of employees (in this chapter, you've seen the company's leaders deal with the significant role of hiring the right employees).
  • Be particular on the hiring process that comprises of qualified and overqualified employees.
  • Consult and brainstorm with your advisors and co-founders while choosing the top-level members of your organization.

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