Latest, Popular Tutorials


JSP - JSTL Core <c:forTokens> Tag

Learn how to use the JSTL Core <c:forTokens> tag in JSP to iterate over tokens in a string. This tutorial provides clear examples and explanations for efficient web development.


JSP - JSTL Core <c:foreach> Tag

Explore using the JSTL Core <c:foreach> tag in JSP for iterating over various data structures such as arrays, lists, and maps. This tutorial guides you through practical examples to implement this tag effectively in your JSP projects.


JavaScript Async/Await

Master asynchronous programming in JavaScript with this comprehensive tutorial on async/await. Learn to write clean, efficient, and easy-to-understand asynchronous code with practical examples.


JavaScript Rest Parameter

Enhance your coding efficiency and readability by learning to handle an indefinite number of function arguments effectively with JavaScript Rest Parameter, explained with examples.

JavaScript Examples

JavaScript Phone Number Validation

Learn how to effectively validate 10-digit phone numbers in web forms using JavaScript and HTML with our comprehensive tutorial on JavaScript Phone Number Validation. Discover the practical implementation of regular expressions to ensure accurate and reliable phone number validation.


JavaScript Spread Operator

Enhance your JavaScript skills with our tutorial on the Spread Operator. Learn how to merge arrays, copy data, and more through easy-to-follow examples.


JavaScript Template Literals

Discover how to manipulate strings in JavaScript with Template Literals. Learn their syntax, advanced features, and best practices for creating multi-line strings and embedding expressions to enhance your code's readability and flexibility.


JavaScript Event Delegation

Learn how to handle events in JavaScript with event delegation efficiently. This tutorial covers the basics, implementation steps, and best practices to implement event delegation in your projects.


JavaScript DOM Manipulation

Explore the essentials of JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation in this tutorial. Learn to dynamically access, modify, and enhance web pages for interactive user experiences.

Python Programming

Python JSON

Python has excellent support for JSON, allowing you to parse, generate, and manipulate JSON data easily. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to work with JSON in Python, including parsing JSON from strings or files and converting Python objects to JSON.


JavaScript Loops

Learn how to use JavaScript loops effectively with this comprehensive tutorial. Explore about for, while, do...while,, and for...of loops to enhance your coding skills.


JavaScript Arrow Functions

In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Arrow Functions and how to use them to write concise and efficient code that improves both readability and performance.


MySQL Many-to-Many Relationship

Learn how to create and manage many-to-many relationships in your relational databases effectively. This tutorial will guide you through understanding and implementing many-to-many relationships in MySQL.


Send Mail Using HTML Email Link

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to send emails using HTML email links or mailto links. You can add CC and BCC, prefill the subject line, send to multiple recipients, prefill the email body, and combine multiple parameters.


JavaScript Types of Functions

Learn about the different types of functions in JavaScript, including function declaration, Function Expression, Arrow function, IIFEs, Generator Function, Async Function, and Constructor Function.