Python Strings

A string is usually a bit of text in programming that is written to be displayed to users. It is known to Python when you want to display a string. This is because programmers use either double quote " or single quote ' to enclose a word or group of words to express a string.


ch = 'HelloPython'

str1 = "String Chapter"

Accessing String Values

Characters are not supported by Python, which makes it simpler as characters in Python are treated as strings of length one and hence considered as a sub-string.

The program is showing the use of strings and how they are displayed on-screen.


ch = 'Hello Python'

str1 = "String Chapter"

print ("First value is: " ,  ch)

print ("Second value is: " ,  str1)


First value is: Hello Python
Second value is: String Chapter

If they are considered as a list of characters, then the example shown below will let you understand how they are treated individually:


ch = "Hello Python"

str1 = "String Chapter"

print ("First single sub-string is: " ,  ch[0])

print ("Set of sub-string is: " ,  str1[2:5])


First single sub-string is: H
Set of sub-string is: rin

Updating a String Value or Variable

Reassigning the existing string-variable is more straightforward in Python. We have to use + operator along with the sub-string location. Let's show this as an example:


ch = "Hello Python"

print ("UPDATED STRING WILL BE: " , ch [:8]+ "Python")



Escape Characters

These are special characters represented by a backslash followed by the character(s), and they are used for particular purposes. They can be interpreted using both single and double-quotes. The lists of Escape Characters in Python are:

  • \a: alert
  • \b: backspace
  • \cx: Control X
  • \e: escape
  • \f: Form feed
  • \n: Newline or next line
  • \r: carriage return
  • \s: space
  • \t: tab
  • \v: Vertical Tab

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