An array is one of the data structures in C++ that can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same data type. This tutorial will teach you how to use array in C++

Define an Array in C++


type arrayName [ arraySize ];

An array type can be any valid C++ data type, and array size must be an integer constant greater than zero.


double salary[15000];

Initialize an Array in C++

An array can be initialized at the time of declaration, as demonstrated in the example below.

int age[5] = {22,25,30,32,35};

The example below shows how each element is initialized separately in the loop.

int newArray[5];
int n = 0;

// Initializing elements of the array separately
for(n=0; n<sizeof(newArray)/sizeof(newArray[0]); n++)
    newArray[n] = n; 

A Pictorial Representation of the Array


Accessing Array Elements in C++

int newArray[10];
int n = 0;

// Initializing elements of the array separately
for(n=0; n<sizeof(newArray)/sizeof(newArray[0]); n++)
  newArray[n] = n;

int a = newArray[5]; // Assigning 5th element of array value to integer 'a'.


#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;

#include <iomanip> 
using std::setw;

int main () {

    int newArray[5];
    int n = 0, p =0;

    // Initializing elements of array seperately         
    for (n=0; n<sizeof(newArray)/sizeof(newArray[0]); n++) {
        newArray[n] = n+50;
    // print heading
    cout << "Element" << setw(10) << "Value" << endl;

    // print element's value in loop                    
    for (p=0; p<sizeof(newArray)/sizeof(newArray[0]); p++) {
        cout << setw(5) << p << setw(10) << newArray[p] << endl;
    return 0;

Program Output:

Element     Value
    0        50
    1        51
    2        52
    3        53
    4        54

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