JSP - Environment Setup

To work on JSP and create dynamic pages, you will need an environment where you can develop and run web applications built using JSP. This tutorial will teach you how to set up an environment to start with JSP programming.

What Is JSP Environment

JSP environment is a set of tools and technologies used to create dynamic web pages using JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. It includes the following components:

  1. JSP Engine: A software component that reads and executes JSP files. It converts JSP code into servlets, which are then executed on the server and generate the final HTML.
  2. Web Server: A software that receives requests from clients and sends responses. It is responsible for handling HTTP requests and responses.
  3. Java Runtime Environment (JRE): This software provides the necessary environment for running Java applications, including JSP pages.
  4. Additional Libraries and Frameworks: Additional tools and libraries, such as JavaBeans, JavaServer Faces, and Spring framework, can be used to develop JSP applications.
  5. Development Tools: Integrated development environments (IDEs), such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans, are used to write, test, and debug JSP code.

Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup

This is probably the first thing you must do to work under Java-supported tools and technologies. The steps are as follows:

  1. Download the Java SDK (Software Development Toolkit) from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html, the official Oracle Java site.
  2. After downloading the SDK, follow the instructions of the installation package.
  3. After the JDK installation, some folders will be created on your hard drive. These are - bin, demo, include, jre, lib, and src.
  4. Once you have installed Java on your machine, you must set the PATH along with the JAVA_HOME environment variable that will point to a particular directory where Java (java_install_dir/bin) and javac (java_install_dir) are residing.
  5. Please refer to the Java installation tutorial to learn further environment setup steps.

In case you have installed or are using IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Borland JBuilder, NetBeans, BlueJ, etc., then this software already knows where you have installed Java in your system.

To know more about Java installation and environment setup, please refer to Java Tutorials.

Apache Tomcat Server

Apache Tomcat, also known simply as Tomcat, is an open-source web server and servlet container software developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is used to run Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs) to serve dynamic web content. Tomcat is a component of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), and is used to deploy and run Java web applications. It provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run, as well as several additional features such as support for multiple protocols (including HTTP, AJP, and JMX), security, and management tools. Tomcat is widely used in production environments as it is lightweight, easy to set up, and highly customizable.

Apache Tomcat Server Installation

There are several ways to set up and install the Apache Tomcat server:

  1. Manual installation: This method involves downloading the Tomcat binary package, extracting it to a directory on your system, and configuring it manually.
  2. Using package managers: Some operating systems, such as Ubuntu and Debian, provide a package manager that can be used to install Tomcat.
  3. Using containers: Tomcat can be installed and run inside a container using tools such as Docker. This allows for easy deployment and scaling of Tomcat applications.
  4. Using cloud services: Tomcat can also be set up and run on cloud services such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  5. Using the Apache Tomcat installer: Windows users can also use the Apache Tomcat installer, a .exe file that guides through the installation process.
  6. Using pre-built images: Tomcat can be installed from pre-built images from various cloud platforms and container registries such as Docker Hub.

Manual Installation

Manual installation of Apache Tomcat involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the Apache Tomcat website (https://tomcat.apache.org/) and navigate to the "Download" page.
  2. Under the "Core" section, find the latest version of the Tomcat Binary Distributions and click on the link to download the core .zip file.
  3. Once the download is complete, extract the contents of the .zip file to a directory on your computer. Let's suppose you use the "E" drive to unzip Tomcat; then, your tomcat path will be E:\apache-tomcat-10.0. This directory is referred to as the "Tomcat home" directory.
  4. To configure the environment variables. Set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable to the Tomcat home directory and add the Tomcat bin directory to the PATH environment variable.
  5. To start the Tomcat server. Open a command prompt, navigate to the Tomcat bin directory, and run the "startup" script (startup.bat). This will start the Tomcat server on port 8080.
  6. It should be noted that by default, your Tomcat will be configured to run on port 8080 and hence, can be accessed using http://localhost:8080. You should see the Tomcat welcome page, indicating that the server is running correctly.
  7. To configure Tomcat. Several configuration files in the Tomcat conf directory can be used to customize the server's behavior, such as server.xml, web.xml, and context.xml.
  8. To stop the Tomcat server. Open a command prompt, navigate to the Tomcat bin directory, and run the "shutdown" script (shutdown.bat).

Installation Using the Apache Tomcat Installer

Here are the steps to download and install Apache Tomcat on a Windows machine using the Windows installer:

  1. Go to the Apache Tomcat website (https://tomcat.apache.org/) and navigate to the "Download" page.
  2. Under the "Core" section, find the latest version of the Tomcat Windows installer and click on the link to download it.
  3. Once the download is complete, open the installer file and follow the prompts to install Tomcat on your computer.
  4. During the installation process, you will be prompted to select a location for the Tomcat installation. Choose a location on your hard drive and click "Next."
  5. The installer will then ask you to choose the components you want to install. It is recommended to install the "Tomcat Web Server" and the "Tomcat Documentation" for a basic installation.
  6. Once the installation is complete, click "Finish".
  7. Verify that the installation was successful by starting the Tomcat server. You can do this by navigating to the Tomcat bin folder and running the startup.bat file.
  8. After the server starts, open a web browser and enter the URL "http://localhost:8080" to access the Tomcat Welcome page, which confirms that the Tomcat server is running correctly.


In conclusion, setting up a JSP environment can initially seem daunting, but following this tutorial and understanding the necessary components makes the process much more straightforward. Having a proper setup is crucial for developing and running JSP applications. It is essential to ensure that all the necessary software and configurations are in place before beginning any development. Creating dynamic web pages with JSP can be an enjoyable experience with the right tools and knowledge.

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