When working with JSP (JavaServer Pages), the <c:forTokens> tag of JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) proves essential for handling string tokenization. This tag simplifies splitting a string into tokens based on specified delimiters, enabling efficient iteration over each token. This tutorial will guide you in using the <c:forTokens> tag and enhancing your proficiency in managing string data in your JSP projects.

What is <c:forTokens>?

The <c:forTokens> tag belongs to the JSTL core library and specializes in tokenizing strings. It splits a string into tokens using specified delimiters and iterates over them. This feature is analogous to string splitting and looping operations in traditional programming, tailored specifically for JSPs. It streamlines the handling of string data, making your code more organized and readable.

<c:forTokens> Tag Syntax

The fundamental syntax of the <c:forTokens> tag is as follows:

<c:forTokens items="stringToTokenize" delims="delimiters" var="token">
    <!-- Your code here -->

Here, the items is the string to be tokenized, the delims is the set of delimiters used for splitting the string, and the var is the variable name for each token in the iteration.

Practical Usage of <c:forTokens> Tag

The <c:forTokens> tag finds its utility in various scenarios within JSP, particularly in parsing and displaying string data. Let's delve into some practical applications.

Tokenizing and Displaying a String

Assume you have a string containing a list of items separated by commas, and you need to display each item separately on your JSP page.

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>String Tokenization Example</title>
    <c:forTokens items="Apple,Banana,Cherry" delims="," var="fruit">

Handling Multiple Delimiters

The <c:forTokens> tag can also process strings with multiple delimiters. For instance, if your string uses both commas and semicolons:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Multiple Delimiters Example</title>
    <c:forTokens items="Red;Green,Blue:Yellow" delims=";,:" var="color">


This tutorial has introduced you to the <c:forTokens> tag in JSTL, a powerful JSP string tokenization tool. Following the guidelines and examples, you can effectively manipulate and display tokenized string data in your web applications using JSP and JSTL.

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