<c:catch> JSTL tag is used in handling unusual situations that cause errors. It is implemented to catch any throwable exception that occurs in the program body during run time.

<c:catch> Tag Syntax


<c:catch var ="variable_name">
//Group of statements that may constitute exceptions during the execution of the program.

<c:catch> Tag Attributes

Attribute Required Description
var No The name of the variable in which the exception message will be stored.

<c:catch> Tag Example

In this example, we are making an arithmetic exception by intentionally dividing the integer by zero. This is a common exception also known as "divided by zero exception" and is used to understand the runtime exception in almost all programming languages.


<%@ taglib uri = "http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix = "c" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Exception handling Example</title>

    <c:catch var ="exceptionCatch">
    <% int x = 4/0; %>

<c:if test = "${exceptionCatch != null}">
    <p>Exception : ${exceptionCatch}</p>
    <p>Exception message : ${exceptionCatch.message}</p>



Exception : java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
Exception message : / by zero

Any number divided by zero answers equal to infinity, and no data structure can store an infinite amount of data. Therefore, if a number is divided by zero, it will give an arithmetic exception.

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