Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology that allows developers to create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, XML, and Java code. JSP pages are executed on a web server, and the resulting output is sent to the client's web browser. JSP provides a way to easily access Java code and objects from within a web page, simplifying the creation of dynamic web pages. JSP pages are typically used in conjunction with Java servlets, which handle data processing and client requests. JSP is part of the Java EE platform and is supported by most web servers and servlet containers.
Facts About JSP
Here are some facts about JSP (JavaServer Pages):
- JSP stands for Java Server Pages.
- JSP is a technology to build dynamic web applications.
- JSP is a part of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE).
- JSP is similar to HTML pages, but they also contain Java code executed on the server side.
- Server-side scripting means the JSP code is processed on the web server rather than the client machine.
- A JSP page is a file with a ".jsp" extension that can contain a combination of HTML Tags and JSP codes.
- To create a web page, JSP uses a combination of HTML or XML markup, JSP tags, expressions, and Java code.
- JSP tags begin with
and end with%>
. - JSP expressions are used to insert dynamic content into the page and begin with
and end with%>
. - JSP can use JavaBeans to store and retrieve data.
- JSP requires a Java development environment and a Java Servlet Container such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty.
- JSP is widely used in the industry for creating enterprise web applications.
- JSP is an improved extended version of Servlet technology.
Advantages of JSP
Some advantages of JSP (JavaServer Pages) include the following:
- JSP offers an efficient and more straightforward approach to coding dynamic web pages.
- JSP provides a wide variety of pre-built tags and custom tags, which can be used to add functionality to web pages
- JSP allows developers to separate the presentation of the web page from the logic and processing, making it easier to maintain the web application.
- Web Container (or application server like tomcat) handles changes when changes are done in the JSP code and does not need recompilation.
- JSP allows developers to follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which separates a web application's presentation, logic, and data. This makes it easier to create scalable and maintainable web applications.
- JSP is commonly used with other Java technologies, such as JavaServer Faces (JSF), which provides a framework for building web applications, making the development process more streamlined.
- Provides good security features like session tracking, user authentication, and access restriction.
- JSP can use standard Java code and libraries, which increases the potential for code reuse.
Advantages of JSP than Servlet
JSP is considered to be better than servlet; there are many reasons why JSP is more beneficial than servlet:
- JSP pages allow web designers to work with HTML or XML markup, while Servlets require a deeper understanding of Java.
- JSP doesn't need additional files such as java class files, web.xml, etc.
- JSPs are compiled into servlets by the JSP engine, which improves performance compared to interpreting servlets at runtime.
- Many IDEs and tools are available for developing JSPs, which can make development quicker and easier compared to servlets.
- JSPs are more accessible to debug and troubleshoot than servlets because they have better error reporting and debugging facilities.
- JSP is considered easier to learn than servlet.
It's worth noting that Servlets also has advantages, such as better control over the HTTP request and response and the ability to handle a more significant number of concurrent requests. It depends on the project's requirement; a developer can choose the more suitable technology.