The cloud has to be divided into different layers. These layers are the front-end and back-end layers. The Front-end layer is that part of the cloud with which users can interact with. For example, when we log in to our Gmail account, we see the UI (user interface) where everything works on event-driven buttons and graphics. Similarly, the software also runs in the front end of the cloud. Again, the back-end comprises hardware as well as software that delivers the back-end data from the database to the front end.

Cloud uses a network layer to connect different devices to provide access to resources residing in the centralized data center of the cloud. Cloud technology users can use the data center through the company's network or internet facilities. This technology provides various advantages; users can access the cloud from anywhere at any time, but the network bandwidth should have to be more. This technology not only facilitates desktop and laptop users, but mobile users can also access their business systems based on their demand.

As we already know that cloud computing is fast and efficient, applications running on the cloud take advantage of flexibility and computing power, i.e., the speed of processing a task. Many computers of a single organization work together along with their application on the cloud as if all the applications were running on a single machine. This flexibility of accessing the cloud resources allows users to use much or little of the resource based on the demand.

In the Cloud computing system architecture, there is another mechanism of shifting the workload. Local machines don't have to perform massive lifting operations when it comes to run applications. Cloud technology can handle those heavy loaded tasks automatically, easily, and efficiently. This brings down the hardware & software demands. The only thing that the users have to think of is the system's cloud computing interface software, which works merely as a web-browser at the front end of the user. The cloud's network takes care of the rest along with the back-end.

The back-end is connected through a virtual network or internet. Other than that, there are few more components such as Middleware, cloud resources, etc. that include cloud computing architecture. The backend is used by service providers that include various servers, computers, virtual machines & data storage facilities combined to form the cloud technology. Its dedicated server handles each application in the system. The front end includes the cloud computing system or network used to access the cloud computing system. The cloud computing systems' interface varies from cloud to cloud.

The back-end has two principal responsibilities:

  1. Provides traffic control mechanisms, security postures & governing the protocols.
  2. To employ those internet protocols that are connected to the networked computer for communication.

One central server is used to manage the entire cloud system architecture. The server is solely responsible for handling the smoothness of traffic without disruption. Middleware is a particular type of software that is used to perform processes & also connects networked computers. Depending on the client/user's demand, the storage is provided by the cloud technology's service provider.

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