Public Cloud is a type of cloud hosting that easily allows the accessibility of systems & its services to its clients/users. Some examples of companies that provide public cloud facilities are IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. This cloud service is open for use. This type of cloud computing is a true specimen of cloud hosting, where the service providers render services to various clients. From the technical point of view, there is the least difference between private clouds and public clouds along with the structural design. Only the security level depends based on the service providers and the type of cloud clients use. The public cloud is better suited for business purposes for managing the load. This type of cloud is economical due to the decrease in capital overheads.

The advantages of the public cloud are:

  1. Flexible
  2. Reliable
  3. High Scalable
  4. Low cost
  5. Place independence

This type also holds some disadvantages, such as:

  1. Less Secured
  2. Poor Customizable

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