This PHP ArrayReplace function allows you to change the PHP array value using an array key or value.
I recently came across this issue in my project, where I need to replace PHP array value by array key.
Here's the PHP ArrayReplace function I wrote to take care of this significant task.
function ArrayReplace($Array, $Find, $Replace){
foreach($Array as $Key=>$Val) {
$Array[$Key] = ArrayReplace($Array[$Key], $Find, $Replace);
if($Key === $Find) {
$Array[$Key] = $Replace;
return $Array;
//Define Array
$Array = array('FirstName'=>"Alex",'DOB'=>'1985-06-12');
echo '<pre>',print_r($Array,1),'</pre>';
//Replace in Array
$Array = ArrayReplace($Array,'DOB',date('j \of\ F Y',strtotime($Array['DOB'])));
echo '<pre>',print_r($Array,1),'</pre>';
I recently came across this issue when having to deal with a multidimensional array that I needed to have scrubbed for certain values. Here in the above example, I have replaced DOB value in the array by using the array key.
Program Output:
[FirstName] => Alex
[DOB] => 1985-06-12
[FirstName] => Alex
[DOB] => 12 of June 1985
After minor modification, you can also use this function to replace it by value.
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