This is a user-defined PHP function that is used to split a time slot between the start and end time using time intervals.
The function takes a start time, end time, and time interval as input and gives an array as the output.
function SplitTime($StartTime, $EndTime, $Duration="60"){
$ReturnArray = array ();// Define output
$StartTime = strtotime ($StartTime); //Get Timestamp
$EndTime = strtotime ($EndTime); //Get Timestamp
$AddMins = $Duration * 60;
while ($StartTime <= $EndTime) //Run loop
$ReturnArray[] = date ("G:i", $StartTime);
$StartTime += $AddMins; //Endtime check
return $ReturnArray;
//Calling the function
$Data = SplitTime("2018-05-12 12:15", "2018-05-12 15:30", "60");
echo "<pre>";
echo "<pre>";
Array ( [0] => 12:15 [1] => 13:15 [2] => 14:15 [3] => 15:15 )