C library functions are provided by the system and stored in the library. In C programming, C library functions are also called inbuilt functions.

To use Inbuilt Function in C, you must include their respective header files containing prototypes and data definitions.

C Program to Demonstrate the Use of Library Functions



void main()
    int i = -10, e = 2, d = 10; //Variables Defining and Assign values
    float rad = 1.43;
    double d1 = 3.0, d2 = 4.0;

    printf("%d\n", abs(i));
    printf("%f\n", sin(rad));
    printf("%f\n", cos(rad));
    printf("%f\n", exp(e));
    printf("%d\n", log(d));
    printf("%f\n", pow(d1, d2));    

Program Output:


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