Java Programming Tutorial Index

Java Environment

JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment, which provides an environment at runtime. It is the cause of the implementation of JVM (as discussed earlier). It contains a set of supporting libraries combined with core classes and various other files that JVM uses at runtime. JRE is a part of JDK (Java Development Toolkit) but can be downloaded separately.

JDK is a set of software tools for the development of Java applications.

You need JRE to execute your program, which includes two things:
  • JVM
  • Java Library
    • Static - Functions that are required at compile time.
    • Dynamic - Functions that are required at runtime and not at compile time.

In detail, the JRE consists of various components; these are listed below:

  • Java Web Start and Java Plug-in.
  • User Interface Toolkit includes Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing, Image Input / Output, Accessibility, drag and drop, etc.
  • Other different base libraries, including Input/Output, extension mechanisms, beans, JMX, JNI, networking, override mechanisms, etc.
  • Lang and util base libraries, including lang and util, management, versioning, collections, etc.
  • Integration libraries include Interface Definition Language (IDL), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), and Remote Method Invocation (RMI).

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