Java provides some special Compound Assignment Operators, also known as Shorthand Assignment Operators. It's called shorthand because it provides a short way to assign an expression to a variable.
This operator can be used to connect Arithmetic operator with an Assignment operator.
For example, you write a statement:
a = a+6;
In Java, you can also write the above statement like this:
a += 6;
There are various compound assignment operators used in Java:
Operator | Meaning |
+= | Increments then assigns |
-= | Decrements then assigns |
*= | Multiplies then assigns |
/= | Divides then assigns |
%= | Modulus then assigns |
<<= | Binary Left Shift and assigns |
>>= | Binary Right Shift and assigns |
>>>= | Shift right zero fill and assigns |
&= | Binary AND assigns |
^= | Binary exclusive OR and assigns |
|= | Binary inclusive OR and assigns |
While writing a program, Shorthand Operators saves some time by changing the large forms into shorts; Also, these operators are implemented efficiently by Java runtime system compared to their equivalent large forms.
Programs to Show How Assignment Operators Works
//Programs to Show How Assignment and Compound Assignment Operators Works
public class assignmntop {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Simple assigns
byte bt = 24;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Increments then assigns
bt += 10;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Decrements then assigns
bt -= 2;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Multiplies then assigns
bt *= 2;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Divides then assigns
bt /= 2;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Modulus then assigns
bt %= 7;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Binary Left Shift and assigns
bt <<= 3;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Binary Right Shift and assigns
bt >>= 4;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Shift right zero fill and assigns
bt >>>= 1;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Binary AND assigns
bt &= 4;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Binary exclusive OR and assigns
bt ^= 4;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
//Binary inclusive OR and assigns
bt |= 4;
System.out.println("bt: " + bt);
bt: 24 bt: 34 bt: 32 bt: 64 bt: 32 bt: 4 bt: 32 bt: 2 bt: 1 bt: 0 bt: 4 bt: 4
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