Concatenate Strings in Python

Python Programming Examples

Python String Programs

In Python, string concatenation refers to the process of combining two or more strings into a single string. There are various ways to concatenate strings in Python, which are explained in this tutorial.

Concatenate Strings Using + Operator

To concatenate (combine) two strings in Python, the + operator can be used.

Example Program:

string1 = "W3schools"
string2 = ".in"

result = string1 + string2

The above example will print "".

Concatenate Strings Using join() Method

In Python, the join() method is a string method that concatenates (combines) a list of strings into a single string. This method takes a list of strings as an argument and returns a single string which is the concatenation of all the strings in the list.

Example Program:

strings = ["Hello", "Python", "Test"]
result = "".join(strings)

The above program will print "HelloPythonTest".

A separator string can also be used with the join() method to insert a separator between the strings. For example:

Example Program:

strings = ["Hello", "Python", "Test"]
result = " ".join(strings)

The above program will print the "Hello Python Test" because the separator is a space character.

Concatenate Strings Using F-String

The f-strings feature introduced in Python 3.6 can be used to concatenate strings. An f-string is a string literal prefixed with the letter f and allows you to embed expressions inside a string. For example:

Example Program:

string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "Python"

result = f"{string1} {string2}"

The above program will also print "Hello Python".

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