This Python example code demonstrates a basic Python program for getting country data about countries, ISO info, and states/provinces. It uses the CountryInfo Python module, which has some predefined functions to retrieve the data via API.
Python program to get data about countries:
# Importing the required module.
from countryinfo import CountryInfo
# Getting a country name from the user.
count=input("Please enter your country name: ")
country = CountryInfo(count)
#print( # It returns the object with all the info about the country.
# Different APIs to get the data as per the requirements.
print("Others names : ",country.alt_spellings())
print("Capital is : ",
print("Currencies is :",country.currencies())
print("Lanuage is : ",country.languages())
print("Borders are : ",country.borders())
Program Output:
Please enter your country name: Singapore Others names : ['SG', 'Singapura', 'Republik Singapura', '新加坡共和国'] Capital is : Singapore Currencies is : ['SGD'] Lanuage is : ['en', 'ms', 'ta', 'zh'] Borders are : []
Program Output:
Please enter your country name: India Others names : ['IN', 'Bhārat', 'Republic of India', 'Bharat Ganrajya'] Capital is : New Delhi Currencies is : ['INR'] Lanuage is : ['hi', 'en'] Borders are : ['AFG', 'BGD', 'BTN', 'MMR', 'CHN', 'NPL', 'PAK', 'LKA']
Install countryinfo
The countryinfo Python library can be installed using pip (package manager for Python). The following command installs the package:
pip install countryinfo
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